Scene Heirarchy

Hello there.

I’ve just started looking at Ready Maker as a means to running a lunchtime game dev club in the high school that I work at.
I must say that I am absolutely blown away by it so far. It’s excellent.
I do have one suggestion though and that is the inclusion of a scene heirarchy. This would help considerably with two things that I have been finding deeply frustrating whilst using the Maker app.
Firstly, it can be difficult to select an object that is overlapped with another object, even if it’s on top, I usually end up selecting the other object and I have to keep clicking and clicking until I finally get the right one.
Secondly, grouping objects that are a distance apart (or large objects, whose centres are far apart) is virtually impossible as you have to zoom out so far that it’s no longer possible to select the link icon from the selection clock and I end up moving or scaling the object instead.
Being able to select objects in a scene heirarchy list would make these things quite simple.
You could also add things such as visibility switches to objects in the list to hide elements whilst you work.




It’s actually already in tye game! Follow What The Images Say


Ah! Thank you so much.

That’ll be extremely handy for selecting objects that are behind other objects.

It would still be useful if you could use it to select multiple objects and group them, though.
