Unity Resources for Space Chicken

Hi guys. Does anyone know where I can download all the assets for the space chicken game including the scripts for movement etc?



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Use the this link for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qqxx-aQcFNisUammQM5VVBeRURjFwMGu/view?usp=sharing (Only assets)

Hi again. That’s great thanks. Where can I find the behaviours/scripts? Are they preloaded in Unity or do I need to make my own :sob:?


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All scripts are in the scripts folder inside the “Ready” project. They are reformatted into libraries (Have DLL format). You can find them if you select any object in the scene and in its properties you find the name of the script. If you click on the name of the script, you will open a folder with scripts (Example name of the script: myscript.dll). I can’t tell you exactly how you can reformat them back, try searching this information on the Unity forum.

@Ready Thanks for the reply. So basically I have to export the game and use the scripts from the folders. I’ll also ask in the Unity forums too.

Many many thanks!


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…no problem!:wink:

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