Space Chicken: Fireworks Effect runs continuously

Hi there! I have been running through the Space Chicken Unity tutorial only doing the ReadyMaker portion for now. When I get to adding the Fireworks Effect to the Fox and switching the Fireworks Active to OFF, the Fireworks effect continues to run continuously. I have entered the coding as shown in the video for the “Winning The Game” video and Fox’s destruction, erased and reentered. I have deleted and re-added the Fireworks Effect. I have closed and reopened ReadyMaker and THEN replaced the Fireworks Effect and coding… anyone else run into this?

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Have you restarted the application? This sounds like a glitch :thinking:

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I have. I restarted the computer, the application, deleted and replaced the Fireworks Effect, deleted and replaced the coding, burned incense, and performed a small but intense computer cleansing dance :slight_smile: . Fireworks continue to explode.

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I see the problem here. In the first image it says “less than 1”

Anything less than 1 will continue that event non stop, that is why this is happening probably.


Thank you for your answer! I have included a picture from the tutorial video. The instructor sets it this way in the video because “if you were to hit the fox with, say, 3 shots, and the fox boss has only two health, his health drops to -1.” Therefore he does not set this command to = 0, because there are cases where it may = less than 0. I have tried setting it = 0, fireworks still continuously fire. Any idea why the tutorial screen says “abc” then a 1 and I get “#” and a 1?

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Hi @bobjen293! After some work on optimizing the application, this event does not have time for the play effect, because in this event we also hide the Fox object, after which it becomes inactive.
You can change the event, here is an example:


   Life Meter/Score Bar/Less Than/1


   SC BOSS FOX/Appearance/Opacity Greater Then/50%


   SC BOSS FOX/Fireworks Effect/Set Active/Yes
   SC BOSS FOX/Appearance/Set Opacity/0%
   SC SPACE CHICKEN/Appearance/Set Hidden/Yes
   Arrow/Boolean/Set Value/0
   SC CARD WIN/Position/Set Position/0,0

You can also turn off the effect after a while, for this you need to add a timer to the scene and hide the Fox object when necessary. For example, like this:
(EVENT #1):

   Life Meter/Score Bar/Less Than/1


   SC BOSS FOX/Appearance/Opacity Greater Then/50%


   SC BOSS FOX/Fireworks Effect/Set Active/Yes
   SC BOSS FOX/Appearance/Set Opacity/0%
   SC SPACE CHICKEN/Appearance/Set Hidden/Yes
   Arrow/Boolean/Set Value/0
   SC CARD WIN/Position/Set Position/0,0
   Timer/Timer Label/Reset Timer

(EVENT #2):

   Life Meter/Score Bar/Less Than/1


   Timer/Timer Label/Greater Then/1 sec


    SC BOSS FOX/Appearance/Set Hidden/Yes
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Awesome! Thanks! I cannot wait to try it. I just wonder why it works in the tutorial

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@bobjen293 No problem!:wink: Sometimes, after fixing software code in new versions of Ready, some conflicting events may no longer work. We just are constantly working to optimize and accelerate the work of our engine.

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I tried the above code suggestion… but didn’t work.
The issue is that:
even if i set active off for the fireworks effect, the fireworks effect is still active upon start


Yes, exactly - you are right! I just looked, the effect is broken, we will fix it in the next version. Thanks for this information. At this point, you can choose any of the other effects for your game, for example, there are many similar effects in the “Explosion Effects” group.

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