So if i make a game here can i upload it to google play store?

how would i go about it? sorry for noob question


Hi @Confusion!:slightly_smiling_face: Yes, you can, look this tutorial:

Creating apk currently works a little differently, you can more information about it on the Internet.
Now, for the export the your project to the Unity editor, use the Unity (2017.4.30f1) version!


@Ready does it cost money to upload to the App Store??

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Yes it does @poweringbaconmaker

Google requires you to make a one time payment of $25

And Apple requires you to pay $99/year + tax


Why does the App Store do this

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Just trying to make as much money as possible honestly. Apple also has many strict standards.

My game Not Our Home on iOS was almost no longer able to be updated because they thought I stole the PC version and claimed it as my own (even though it is my own lol)

But I had to go through a lot of legal stuff just to prove to Apple that I had the rights to make a mobile port of my game :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: