Random Land Generation Code


This is some simple code to randomly generate land/level for a 2D game.
The land blocks are created at different heights each time the project starts.

The Gif below shows land randomly generated and when a bomb collides with a land block, that block moves down to simulate being blown up. This could easily be coded with READY.



There’s a game called “gravity switch” on the featured page that does some of this. Have you tried building a project that does this? This is the link to the project I mentioned :


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You know the game 'WORMS ARMAGEDDON"
I’m making a similar type of game.
So far there’s an A and B team.
It’s a 2 player turn based game. Each player has 2 units on their team.
When it’s a players units turn, there will be a short time to move and aim a shot at the opponenents units.
More work to do on this.


That looks really cool.


My Ipad 3 can’t handle the code i made using Ready on PC.
Playing on the ipad glitches at the start as 4 characters get dropped on the lands surface.
3 get dropped or none get dropped. I’ve only coded movements for 1 character so far as well.
I’ll have to delete a lot of code and change the game to be single player against 3 AI NPC’S instead of being a 2-4 player turn based game.


Performance changes massively by device. Ready runs on over 40,000 different devices. Most of these are android (38,000). Its almost impossible to test every variant of ready at this point.


Something i noticed when i used the black star sprite and made it double the ipads screen size, is the polygon mask is smaller than the black star.
Most ppl wouldn’t do that when making a Ready game, so it’ts not really important.

If a sprite that’s uploaded to Ready is large to begin with, then the poly mask would likely be more accurate.
I’ll have to test that theory and see, by uploading a small and large version of the same sprite and code to increase the small sprite to be the same as the large and see the results of collision from the poly masks.


Hi @Suzzy-Grey! Yes, this is a good idea, you can also try to disable the hardness of the layer, perhaps this will also improve performance.


Is it possible to make games with UNITY 3D and not have to use a coding language?
I quickly skipped thru a short video of a 3d game being made and didn’t see any coding languages being typed.

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Hi @Suzzy-Grey,

It’s definitely possible. For example, check out their 2D Gamekit and accompanying tutorial series. I believe they have other no-code tutorials as well.


I installed the latest version of UNITY 3D.
The UI is more complicated than Construct.
It took me a few months to get comfortable using Construct.
Finding time to learn using Unity 3D will be a challenge

I’m currently more interested making 3D sprites and animated gifs

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Haha yes, the first time I saw the Unity 3D interface, it looked bewildering on par with a jet liner cockpit :smiley:

The Unity tutorials can get you up to speed quickly, but for creating visual assets I would look to graphic design tools such as Adobe Illustrator.


Is a “Load game/Save game” feature coming to Ready?
If so, do you know roughly when?


What do you mean? You can currently load a game from the event manager. Assume you mean saving game progress and then losing it later? If so, then it’s in the backlog as an option.