Problem with colliders. Objects seem to be floating

Setting the collider to circle didn’t quite work, the player would pass the platform. However, I managed to make it work in a different way.

I changed the image of the player to a rectangle(only matters for the collision) and used this object as the controller of the player(collision, physics, etc). I then added another object with the player image, turned physics and solid off(so it is only used for the image), and joined it to the player controller object. This allows me to set how high or low I want the player image to be(since it is separated from the collider), so I just set it to be a little bit lower and it doesn’t appear to be floating anymore.


The last thing to do is to just set the opacity of the player controller(rectangle) to zero. So now the rectangle is still floating a little bit, but it doesn’t matter since I only show the player image.

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