Is it possible to stop and start Movie Recorder?

Hello from ‘Down Under’ again.

Is it possible to stop and start Movie Recorder (Playing back a Movie) at various times on various objects (assets)?

If so, please give an extremely simple explanation.

Thank you.



Hello Paul!
Unfortunately, at the moment no, we have not yet implemented the management of this behavior in the “Event Manager”. For the this task you can greate the “Waypoint system” with help the “Move Towards” behavior. For example you can add the waypoints (Targets) objects to the scene and change the new target in the “Move Towards” behavior for the player when him collided with target.
Events example:
…add the player and the two circle objects
…name the Circle1: “Waypoint1”
…name the Circle2: “Waypoint2”
…select the min distance (0,1) in the “Move Towards” behavior settings

 Player/Sensing/Collided With Object/Waypoint1
 Player/Move Towards/Target/Waypoint2
Player/Sensing/Collided With Object/Waypoint2
Player/Move Towards/Target/Waypoint1
  1. (Stop Move)

    System/Listener/Touch Held
    Player/Move Towards/Set Active/No
  2. (Start Move)

    System/Listener/Touch Up
    Player/Move Towards/Set Active/Yes
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Hi Ready.

Thank you for your instructions.

I will have a study tomorrow.

Best wishes to the team and keep up the great work.

Bye for now.



…Thanks Paul!!!:metal:

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