I cant open my saved project

Hi. When i created project and saved it , after then i want open and edit it project become empty. Please help and sometimes when i tried add in my project artwork it added but become invisible.


Hi @Shushan! Welcome to the forum! :slightly_smiling_face: You can send a link of your project? We will try check this! :mechanical_arm:


Yes I will send you now I teach our students ready maker and some of them have problem with saving projects our they cant exit from project and I want ask you for solution because my students want learn ready maker but we cant find solution… Please help. We try 3 version of program and we have problem with all version.
In your web page I find this information .
Can this information help us solve our problem.


Yes, it seems like the problem is this. You can check this by trying to use the Reader Maker at home, if you see the difference, then the problem is in restricting access from the school internet provider. For our part, we do not see such problems for other users. So I assume that the problem is most likely with a connection to our server.


Hello @Shushan, and welcome to the forum!

We sometimes see the same problem at schools, and also now with students at home. If you’ve taken care of the whitelisting and you’re still having problems, it’s almost certainly due to bandwidth and/or device issues. Since upgrading equipment usually is not possible in these situations, the best you can do is have your students keep trying and eventually it works.


Thank you for your advice .We will try solve.


Thank you for answer.