Game problem (cock a doodle)

my problem is that the obstacels will not move(obstacel are the black balls) will not move and turn to the other side.And the obstacel will not move (spawn) up,down,up,down .
the video:cock a doodle

link :

and i dont know how to make a up and down bar that kill the player if crash

if you understand me thank you verry much !!! :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum! I looked at the game and I believe you are wanting the black balls to continue to spawn and cross the screen and if the player goes too high or too low they die. Is this correct?


Hi @nilsverk and welcome to our community! If you are new to Ready, a really good way to learn many techniques is to build some of the sample games on the tutorials page:

We might be able to help you directly here as well. After work I’ll try to have a look at your project and make suggestions.


It looks like you have tried several ways to keep the black spheres respawning. Also there’s nothing to dictate what happens when the player collides with the spheres or the top and bottom limits. I’ve thrown together a little bit as well as crash effects and a game over. Maybe this is what you were referring to?


Thankyou how can i eddit my game like you


My problem is now after that a copy the balls and the spawners its work for 1 ronde and after the 10 my balls (up) will respawn with the balls under and what will makes is that there are 3 ball nivaus under , up and in the middel and after die 3 or 4 time the backpack (player) will be inviseble

If jou under stand me thankyou!!:slight_smile:


Hi @nilsverk and welcome to our forum!:wink: You can open a link to the project that @kenobi did for you on his phone (on which you have the Ready Maker installed). Tap the “Remix” button and save this project in the your account, after which you can edit it or use it as an example.


Hi @nilsverk,

In most games that spawn a large number of clones, it is necessary to delete the old clones when some condition is met, such as a maximum number of clones is reached, which sounds like it applies to your case. (Other typical cases include clones going offscreen or reach a specified age.)


I think I understand @nilsverk. You want after those two go back and forth 10 times for there to be another set added in below and then after 10 times another set above. For a total set of 3 and a health bar set to three.

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Balls will not change from direction

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What direction do you want them to move towards?

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the balls should bounce on the wall and go the other side and if i will copy 4 directionson for the top , center , center , down theres will not working

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Your jumper only moves up and down. If you put a ball going down or up in middle it will hit your jumper because it cannot move.

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Huh ok i not understand you sorry

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Have a look at the Pong game in the tutorials. That might help you understand how to make balls bounce off the walls.