Beta Testing Build1.0.00

There is no score or health this is just a test for critics. It’s a good way to learn and develope I hope all enjoy the game.


Really cool idea!

I noticed some things.

  • The play button can have a collider set to a square, this way it’s much easier to click the play button the main menu! (Great idea to add that sound effect when you press play!)
  • Adding a loading asset is very unnecessary in Ready as everything is already loaded for you at the start when you click the game link. Also, I took a look inside your game and it’s there for 20 seconds, which many people may not like.
  • I noticed that a bunch of asteroids just charge at you at the direct beginning. Maybe add less at the start of the game? Or maybe that’s just my experience when i played.

This game has great assets and is really fun! I hope to see more in the future!


That’s meant for the asteroid to load in at the beginning it’s suposed to rush you and than a story sequence but it’s only ready so right now the loading asset is a placeholder


If I’m understanding this correctly, if it’s becoming a placeholder for unity for a stand-alone app, it still will not be needed as it’ll be loaded during the splash screen.

But, if I’m misunderstood, please correct me!

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Yes sir that scene is olaceholding for story lol I won’t need a loading screen but it’s like the reason for the msssive amount of asteroids at the beginning it’s a little complex but ready is the perfect way to start the idea


This is really good start. Really good!

One thing to consider: make the asteroids have circle colliders and the ship a box collider. It will really improve performance as polygonal colliders are computationally expensive. Meaning it will speed up and smooth out the game play. Looking forward to how this evolves. Thanks for sharing it!

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Thank you. I was wondering why the frame rate slowed down that’s a good tip something I didn’t know at all. I love learning.

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A trick u can do is have the clone asteroids have a counter that acts as their Hp.
Example, wave 1, hp is 5, .
Have a variable start at 5 and decrease at the start of each wave.
So wave 2 will have asteroids with counter 4,
This can simulate a stronger bullet from the ship

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